Sticky Notes and Tree Pose

What do Pink Post It Notes and Tree Pose have in common?


Nothing in particular....

Unless your client is dealing with neurological imbalances and loves the practice of Yoga Shapes. 

Then, you've got a killer combination. 


See, what most Yoga teachers are missing is that you don't need deeper Ujayi Breath. 

You don't need to "fire your glutes"

Or "Find your soul's inner drishti"

What they may be missing is that vision can take up to 70% of your brain when required for balance. 



Oh, and your ears may have something to do with that, too. 


So what can you do about it? 

Well, it's quite simple. 

The next time you are in a yoga class or practice at home, use sticky notes. 

No, seriously.


You may be laughing at me when I write this simple stumble upon I found while teaching last week as a lab with a client. 


But it works. 


Next time you find a balance posture, place a bright sticky note where your eyes can focus. Keep your eyes maintained on that for the remainder of the pose.


Her words, not mine, after being hit by a car and in a car accident and not being able to do Half Moon Pose for a very long time:

"No f***king way."


Yeah, how's that for a testimonial. 


So the next time you struggle with balance and posture, head over to Target and grab yourself some sticky notes. 


You'll thank me later. 



Success and Vomiting

Catchy title right? 

Not so much. I know that. 

But I was thinking about success this morning. 

Sometimes its feels and looks like vomiting. 

Gross, I know, but bear with me. 

Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. It lands unexpectedly on something you don't normally think about. 

It can freak you out for a second. 

Then, you clean it up. You organize your life and day around it. 

It sticks with you for a little while. 

And then your life moves on. 


But the clear similarity is you have to take responsibility for it afterwards. It rearranges your life. 

So the next time you get the flu, hopefully you'll laugh at my metaphor.

My Panic Attack and Yoga

A few days before my trip to see my now ex fiancé, I landed in the hospital for an anxiety attack. 

Landed might need be the right word. Floated. Hoped no one would recognize me on the red line as I rocked back and forth. 

Head rushing. My body was shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't see straight. My breath was like a stray jacket. 

I prayed to God that no one would recognize me, would want to start a conversation, or glance in my general direction. 

I don't remember the walk to the hospital from downtown crossing. I just remember texting my best friend Joell. 

I remember her replying in better words, but the gist being "I know you don't want me to be there, but I am gonna be there."

I remember them putting me in a room that looked like the room they make extra when no shipments are going into the ER. 

My head was spinning. Thinking of all the ways out of the relationship I was in. 

I remember the lyft ride home. The shame I felt. 

I was a Yoga teacher. I took leadership courses. I talk about self care and reflection for a living. Why the fuck did I land in the hospital for a panic attack? I should know better.



What the hell does this have to do with Yoga? 



Life is but a practice. It doesn't mean you get it right every time. It doesn't mean you have all the answers. It doesn't mean you are able to figure out every situation. You succeed in many. Fail in some. 



Your yoga practice has the potential to be the same. No. I don't just mean the physical shapes. I mean the non harming, truth speaking, discerning, meditative practices. The messy stuff. The stuff that forces you to question your actions. The meat that forces you to take a long and hard look at yourself. The shit that crawls under your skin and makes you want to run because you may break a person's heart in what you need to do for you. 



Yoga is not meant to be easy or simple or nice. It can, however, mean the difference between being stuck in the mud forever and learning to grow from the cracks when it dries. 




Some of you will read this. Some of you won't. That's okay. I hope some of you will feel more open to share your stories in the process. I hope some of you pass it on. 



Big love

