Interesting title right? 


I know. These used to be three things I thought I couldn’t live without. 

These three things were things I wanted on the daily. Was curious about ( mostly pizza and postures. Porn was less of a thing, but I needed a third P to catch my attention and yours.)

It felt like ritual and staple to have them in my life. It felt odd when I didn’t have them. 

But after a while, all 3 became stale. All 3 became blasé. 

Specifically, yoga become something that I hated showing up for. 

Yoga and the teaching of it for a while was something that felt like me trying to fit a bottom line in a business studio. It felt like who could have the catchiest playlist, the biggest workshops, the most privates, the most retreats, the most interesting title for your class. 

It. Was. Fucking. Exhausting,. 


So I stopped. 


For about 8 months or so, I dind’t teach at a single studio. Yes, I still did private work, I still did reiki, I still strength trained, but the world of the studio was too much for me. 


In this time I also gained perspective. I gained that I didn’t have to go all in on everything in my life to show to others that I was contributing. I didn’t have to feel ashamed of having multiple jobs and multiple passions. 


I didn’t fit the fucking mold. I loved it. Still do. 


See, I started to obsess about this all or nothing mentality. Why we get attached and hyper vigilant and focused about this One Job, One Passion, Do or DIe mentality. Why we shame and judge others who can’t do the same. We call them lazy. We call them unmotivated. We call them misguided or spread too thin. 


Just because I don’t fit your mold of stability doesn’t mean I am unstable. 


I still like my pizza, postures, and porn. Now, though, I know I don’t have to have it all to be seen as worthy. 


Happy Porn, Pizza, and Postures. 


